Head AND Heart
I have worked in youth ministry at my church as a volunteer and as a staff member for about 5 years now. In that time I have had the wonderful opportunity to build relationships with amazing students, dedicated leaders, and a host of others. In that time my faith has grown in ways I couldn’t imagine and I have had times where I see in my students the amazing “Aha, I get it!” moments that make the long hours, late nights, and other frustrations completely worth it. I have given heady, intellectual talks about theology and I have given emotional, impassioned pleas about a God who IS love. But often I worry that I’m doing everything wrong. It seems that culturally we are in this place where giving the right answer far outweighs understanding the right answer. I see in myself a delight in intellectualism, theology, and knowledge, while my natural instinct is not to go and live out the things that I believe to be true. My desire by default is to sit comfortably inside my church bub...