
Showing posts from 2016

The Message We're Sending

My typical policy is to stay away from social media. I shrug my shoulders and say, if I want people to know how I feel about something I’ll tell them in person. But in this moment, I cannot begin to contain the absolute outrage and disgust I’m feeling. I’ve watched and listened as the Brock Turner case has unfolded. I’ve seen people call for a longer sentence, and I’ve heard people defend him by saying “he’s just a kid” or “think about what this will do to his life”, and I’ve shrugged my shoulders and stayed quiet. Well, no more.  I have had conversations in the last few years where I’ve stated that I feel that as a country and as a culture we’re making strides towards equality and that we’re finally beginning to value women. Well, all of that just went out the window. The moment when a young man, who RAPED a young woman, was told that his sentence would be only 6 months because we wouldn’t want to ruin his life or hold back his potential, all of our talk about equality, and human ...

Resolve: Missing the Point

Resolve Week 2 from Community Church Video on Vimeo .