Negativity abounds
So, with all this time on my hands, I’ve probably spent a bit more time on social media than I would normally. I’ll be honest, social media is quite the roller coaster of emotions for me right now. On one hand I see this amazing spirit of love and generosity as people are coming together in a really hard time to care for each other. People are supporting local restaurants, delivering messages of hope to each other, and using this time to invest in their relationships with their families.
On the other side though I see overwhelming negativity, specifically from people within the church. I’m seeing posts tearing our governor down as a person, using derogative and even foul language. One post even went so far as to compare her to Hitler, who to put it in perspective, was instrumental in the systematic murder of over 6 million people.
I’m not saying you can’t disagree with the governor. That’s your right. What I am saying, specifically to the people of God, is that there is a right and a wrong way to express your frustration over anything. I’m no stranger to disappointment and frustration, and for our family this shelter in place order has been hard for a number of reasons. I certainly don’t respond correctly in every situation, but I think what’s happening now is crossing a line. I’ve been part of social media for quite awhile, and up until now when I’ve seen posts like this I’ve simply shaken my head and moved on. But I just can’t right now.
Here’s my point in all of this. The Bible hasn’t called you to agree with people. What it has called you to do is love people. Simply because, whether they know it or not, whether they act like it or not, or whether they even care, they’re created in the image of God. They are worthy of love and respect simply because God created them. So go ahead, disagree with the way this is being handled, lobby for change, articulate your position, but don’t resort to slinging mud and dirt. Don’t sacrifice the foundation of faith built on love that is so near and dear to your heart to do it. We’re going to get through this. Is it going to be hard? Yeah, it’s hard right now and it’ll probably get harder. But God is still good and God is still in charge, and maybe it’s time that we start acting like it.
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